Debt Relief

We live in a time when credit is readily available in the form of credit cards, home loans, vehicle loans, gas cards, and retail credit cards, making it very easy to become deeply in debt. While we’re applying for credit in all of these places, horrible things happen to decent people, and we lose our jobs, get hurt, or just overextend ourselves.

Many people have enough money to pay off their debts on a monthly basis when they first get them. However, life’s random events can sometimes get in the way. When you live paycheck to paycheck, even the smallest change in your routine can have a significant impact on your money. Suddenly, the bills you were barely able to pay have become unmanageable responsibilities.

Are you stressed and struggling because you owe too much money? Perhaps you’ve fallen behind on a mortgage or car payment, or you’re just unable to pay your credit card bills. You could be getting frightening collection calls or being sued. You are not by any means alone. These issues affect residents in the Greater Easton area, throughout Pennsylvania, and across the country.

If you are in a situation where you are in need of debt relief in PA, contact Easton Bankruptcy Lawyer. I have experience with all forms of debt, including:

  • Credit Card Debt
  • Foreclosures
  • Student Loans
  • Unpaid taxes
  • Vehicle loans

I’ll be able to assess each type of debt you have and advise you on the best course of action. You may need to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, but you may also be able to have me negotiate with your creditors to have bad material removed from your credit report and a payment plan set up.

Three Steps to Improving Your Credit Report

There are three procedures to follow while trying to get your credit report back on track. Because many debt relief organizations are just not competent, you should call a Easton Bankruptcy debt relief attorney to handle this for you. Because effective debt settlement may necessitate legal expertise and experience, hiring an attorney increases your chances of a successful outcome.

Stronger credit management will require you to:

  1. Refute incorrect information. If you uncover anything in your credit report that you believe is incorrect, you should dispute it with the credit reporting companies directly. They must either verify disputed information or remove it from your credit report within a reasonable amount of time.
  2. Work out a payment plan for the remaining debt. You’ll talk to your creditors and try to come up with a plan to pay off a portion of your debt in one lump sum or over time with a payment plan. You should also request that any true negative information be deleted at this time. It is extremely beneficial to have an attorney present throughout the bargaining process if the creditors are obstinate; the lawyer can help.
  3. Establish a good credit history. There is no legal way to improve your credit by eliminating negative information that you couldn’t resolve with your creditor. It’s critical to start building good credit after you’ve settled your present debt. You must demonstrate that you have the current ability to pay bills and that you have paid other bills on time since your previous issues.

Remember, the credit agencies actually want to lend you money. You just need to show them that you are capable of paying them back.

Contact our Easton Bankruptcy debt relief expert today who can help you determine what options are best for you. Call Easton Bankruptcy Lawyer for a FREE CONSULTATION at 610-770-7113.